About Me

I'm Shellie! Things to know about me is I absolutely love being a photographer with every ounce of who I am. I can honestly say with my whole heart, it's something that has given me the most joy in my life, and has been such a tremendous blessing to me. I'm about to be 43 and I have been lucky enough to through my lifetime to spend all my adult life with a camera in hand and making pretty things and meeting amazing people all along the way. I just shoot what I love, no digital skies, or fancy editing, just what my eyes and heart see when I'm in the moment. My clients have literally feel like extensions of my family. Throughout my career to watch sweet babies grow to become amazing people, graduate through their lives in school, weddings and having their own babies has been an absolute privilege to be apart of.

I'm a mom and wife to my favorite people on this earth. My husband is home to me and wherever life takes us, I'll forever be by his side. I love pretty shoes, roses, hydrangeas, decorating, newborns give me a joy nothing else could, traveling and sunlight!! Fall time is the time I feel most alive in Illinois, the ocean is my happy place, warm summer days are magical, and most of all I'm a sucker for love in all forms. As I have aged, I have definitely become more private online, yet more open in person. Also, if you haven't met me in person yet, I do sound like Minnie Mouse, haha! Sorry in advance for that! ;)

Image to the left was shot by Twig and Olive




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"When you can find a photographer that truly makes your jaw drop to the floor followed by this statement, 'My kid is freaking gorgeous!'... well, you know you found a keeper. Shellie has been photographing my son for the last 5 yrs, & every time I am floored by the beauty she sees & captures. Beauty that I see everyday & is forever caught in time. Not only do his gorgeous blue eyes shine in her photos, but she also captures his spirit & love of life personality. To capture the true essence of a child..."

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